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ACT teachers initiative enhances confidence

Teacher Quality Institute (TQI) is an independent statutory authority established to build the professional standing of ACT teachers and to enhance the community’s confidence in the teaching profession through professional regulation and practical initiatives to raise teacher quality.

The TQI was a new Institute that required a teacher registration portal and system that needed to be up and running in a matter of weeks.

The requirement was for an online registration and communication system to incorporate not only a comprehensive teacher registration and relationship management capability, but also the ability to manage supplier and school principle online interactions. A solution designed to encourage teachers and principals to use online communication instead of their existing paper-based solution and help minimise call centre traffic.

Dialog implemented a Registration and Renewal System, a Case Management System and a Self-Service Portal using Dynamics CRM. This allowed teachers and principals too easily, and directly, update their profiles and qualifications.

The solution integrates to an intranet and an extranet portal. It also provides a payment gateway and the ability to manage and publish the teacher registration lists. The system integrates with HP Records Manager (TRIM) for document management. 

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