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Dialog rolls out Google Apps to ACT Schools

Dialog Information Technology, through its Google Solutions Practice, is the key force behind the ACT Government’s adoption of Chromebook technology and Google Applications For Education (GAFE) in Canberra’s public schools. GAFE is Google’s suite of cloud-based productivity and collaboration applications modified for educational purposes. These technologies will mesh with the Education and Training Directorate’s “Digital Backpack” initiative.

To maximise user uptake and smooth the adoption of these technologies, Dialog is providing crucial services such as data migration, provisioning and user training.

This project is a progressive initiative moving ACT schools into a smarter future.

So far, Dialog has successfully implemented these technologies at more than 60 of Canberra’s 86 schools, putting user coverage at over 20,000 students of the 43,000 currently enrolled in the ACT's public schools.

The project represents Dialog’s largest Chromebook project to date.

Dialog’s efforts in this area make it increasingly likely that other Australian educators will join the ACT Government in considering the administrative benefits and content delivery improvements that may be realised through similar implementations of Google technologies.

For more information contact Glenn Irvine.

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